
Thrilling women work performing arts center crowd


They are one of the most aggressive fundraising chapters of the

guilds in support of the Orange County Performing Arts Center --

women who know how to “work the room.”

The Sound of Music Guild, celebrating 25 years of service to the

center, raised more than $300,000 at its spring gala “License to

Thrill: James Bond Meets Austin Powers,” reaching the high-water mark

by pulling out all the stops. None of the women has “no” in their

vocabulary, and they spend money to make money.

Known for their lavish soirees, often featuring world-class

caterers from points unknown, exotic decor underwritten by such swank

names as Cartier, and wild costume balls encouraging the outrageous,

Sound of Music has gained a reputation for making things happen.

Founded seven years before the center was built, the chapter was

the first guild organization created by 36 women in 1979. Named

“Chapter of the Decade” in the 1990s, Sound of Music has evolved and

changed over its 25-year history. Today, with a membership of 100

who’s-who ladies, many of them young and still trying on their

philanthropic shoes for a perfect fit, the guild has managed to

network itself with a prominent and high profile social confab,

attracting big givers who also live on the grand scale.

Each year the big party gets bigger. Chairs outdo one another from

year to year. Themes are important. A heavy emphasis is placed on

“fun.” Boring is a killer. And it’s not just about the ladies.

Husbands are very involved. They rub elbows for business connections,

and they too want to have fun. This is not just about charity and not

just about supporting the performing arts in O.C. -- it’s about a

lifestyle choice.

For this reason, more than $2 million has been donated to the

Orange County Performing Arts Center from Sound of Music events.

Major retailers support their cause. This season’s gala, taking place

recently at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach, was a complete

sellout with a waiting list. Neiman Marcus, Cartier, Fendi, David

Rickey, Grey Goose Vodka and Elizabeth Social Secretary were among

corporate supporters wanting to lend their name to the cause.

Chaired by Tracy Martin and Danni Good, with honorary chair

assistance and underwriting coming from Harriet and Sandy Sandhu and

Kelly and John Hague, the James Bond evening was a night of revelry

and fantasy. They came in wild costume; from Pucci to Gucci to

Fiarucchi, it was an evening to dress up and celebrate. Martinis

flowed, and the troubles of the world were left at the porte cochere.

Sally and Randy Crockett, Eve Kornyei and Stan Hanson, Erin and

Jim Keller, and Lori and John Loftus were among some 430 guests who

made the night one to remember.

Also in the crowd were Sound of Music committee members Kathie and

John Porter, Kimberly and Ross Feinberg, Laura and James Baratta,

Jennifer and John Condas, Deborah and Henry Mayhew, and Irene and Joe

Tomkinson. Auction chairs Diane Cruzen, Jennifer Condas and Robin

Newton-Iacono billed their auction as “The World is Not Enough,” and

how right they were. Filmmakers from television’s “The OC” should

have been there. This wasn’t just an episode, it was an entire

season. Organizers are already planning next year’s extravaganza when

Sound of Music will pump up the volume even higher.

* THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays.
