
Trees are part of Laguna, too

Ed Todeschini

I just read the article about RAVE (Restore All View Equities), the

Laguna Group who plans to draft a ballot initiative that would allow

trees to be cut down if they blocked views.

This self-described “bulletproof, no gray area” approach may work

in a new gated coastal subdivision, but it is this kind of thinking

that continues to threaten the balanced quality of life here in

Laguna Beach.

I recognize that there are extreme situations where an

irresponsible neighbor with a large tree or shrub does not try to

find a middle ground solution with a view-blocked neighbor. I also

know there are just as many unreasonable neighbors who want their

ocean view, their “equity” and their resale value, and will settle

for nothing less than a chopped down tree.

Everyone who has bought a home in Laguna Beach throughout the last

50 years recognizes that tree-lined streets and privacy shrubbery are

a unique part of this town which has a similar feel to Carmel or

other older towns in Northern California.

For myself and many Lagunans, this uniqueness is every bit as

important as the ocean view. But as some learn, the trees can also be

a downside if you want your ocean view to be maximized, or if it

changes because of encroaching vegetation. This is the downside we

all accepted when we bought our properties. The only recourse is to

work with your neighbors and try to find a middle ground solution

that both can enjoy. Sometimes this will not be satisfactory, but we

can’t put laws in place which will change the look of an entire

community, simply because there are bad neighbors.

Why propose a law that would impact the balance between views and

vegetation that would be so one-sided. Why rank the ocean views at

such a high value over the beautiful large trees and vegetation. More

people probably paid the huge prices for their homes to enjoy the old

large trees and vegetation in Laguna, than those who have views which

are blocked.

Why does RAVE want to discount the “vegetation equity.” Extremists

with solutions such as RAVE proposes, would probably be much happier

moving to Newport Coast or Palos Verdes or somewhere similar, rather

than taking the vegetation equity that so many Lagunans paid good

money to enjoy. RAVE must really be a association of Tree Trimmers.

* ED TODESCHINI is a Laguna Beach resident.
