
“We’re young. They are a good group...

“We’re young. They are a good group of kids. I’m shooting for [the

Pacific Coast League title] and they want the same thing. We’re going

for CIF and making it further than what they did last year. If our

pitching holds up, I think we have a great chance.”

-- Nichol Thompson, Corona del Mar High School’s new softball

coach, on what she expects from her team.

“It’s a great thing to go out and see a great player play in a

great golf tournament. I want to meet him.”

-- Hank Adler, Toshiba Senior Classic Tournament co-chair on

hosting Hall of Famer Jack Nicklaus.

“Daystar is attempting to use intimidation, pressure and threats

to get its way, and those efforts in this community will fail. If

anything, those heavy-handed tactics only reinforce why Daystar is

exactly the wrong organization to own Orange County’s only public

television station. KOCE-TV is a community asset, and we intend to

defend it vigorously.”

-- Bob Brown, chairman of the KOCE-TV Foundation, on the Christian

broadcasting company’s lawsuit to win the right to buy KOCE from the

Coast College District.

“People think that this county is dominated by Republicans just by

accident. A lot of [it stems from] what Tom Fuentes did over the last

20 years, he deserves a lot of credit for that.”

-- Assemblyman John Campbell said of Fuentes’ retirement as the

chairman of the Orange County Republican Party.

“A lot of people claim Irish heritage. I don’t know if that’s just

popular to say or if they really are Irish. Maybe the Irish people

just went out and populated the world. But everybody wants to be

Irish and have fun on St. Patrick’s Day.”

-- Irish-born John Lyons, a manager at the Harp in Costa Mesa, on

St. Patrick’s Day.
