
* What is the most pressing issue...

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* What is the most pressing issue in the state?

California, and especially the Orange County area, has thrived as

a place of enterprise, innovation and entrepreneurship, but

unfortunately recent leadership has helped dampen that California

spirit. Workers’ compensation costs are driving businesses out of

Southern California, energy policies are costing homeowners and

businesses millions of dollars extra each year and Sacramento

Democrats are spending us into bankruptcy.

* What is the best solution to the state’s budget crisis?

California government has spent too much, while at the same time

impeding economic development. There is no other way to put it. We

must now pick up the pieces of a failed governor and get California

back on the road to economic recovery. I am working closely with Gov.

Schwarzenegger to do just that. There are five key components that I

believe will solve the state’s budget crisis:

1. Cut billions from state government;

2. Take advantage of low interest rates and refinance existing


3. Totally overhaul state government and eliminate duplicative

departments, boards and commissions, saving taxpayers hundreds of

millions of dollars;

4. Take the breaks off the economy. Eliminating the onerous laws

passed under Gray Davis will help save industries billions, thus

providing jobs and more revenue to the state;

5. Impose a true spending cap that would prevent future

Legislature’s and Governor’s from letting government grow faster than

the economy.

* Assuming the Legislature stays in Democrat hands, how will you

work with the majority party?

If Republicans don’t take control of the Legislature, I am

confident that we will still be able to spread our message. I will

make a good faith effort to work with the Democrats on issues where

we can reach a consensus, but it will be difficult. If we aren’t able

to reach common sense solutions, then I will work to bring solutions

to the people and let them decide.

* What makes you the best person for the job?

Having been a business owner in Orange County for over 24 years, I

understand that the regulations and burdens currently in place hamper

personal and business opportunities. I am the only candidate that has

been endorsed by Gov. Schwarzenegger, Sen. Ross Johnson, former state

Sen. Marian Bergeson, Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan and Newport Beach

mayors Tod Ridgeway and Steven Bromberg for a reason. They believe

that my background as a CPA and my expertise on state budget matters

will be enormously useful in the state Senate.

* What one thing would you hope to accomplish while in office?

We must reform the California budget process. As the former vice

chairman of the Assembly Budget Committee, I have experienced first

hand the amount of excessive waste, fraud and abuse in state

government. It is absolutely absurd that the state can increase

spending by 37% while at the same time population and inflation

growth is only 22%. To ensure that this type of mismanagement and

overspending does not occur again, I have introduced the California

Budget Deficit Prevention Act, which is a constitutional spending

limit that caps state spending and establishes a prudent rainy day

