
* What is the most pressing issue...

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* What is the most pressing issue in the state? In Newport-Mesa?

The most pressing issue facing the state is re-creating an

environment that embraces and encourages free enterprise for our

legal citizens and residents. A vibrant business climate provides the

most opportunity for businesses, working families and individuals to

succeed and provide for themselves. This sets the stage for further

spending reductions and relief of our tax burden. Some specifics

include reforming workers’ compensation, addressing illegal

immigration, reducing and including sunset provisions so regulations

will be reviewed or expire after a period of time, repealing Senate

Bill 2, the state-mandated heath coverage bill and the elimination of

frivolous lawsuits.

The most important Newport-Mesa issue is John Wayne Airport. I

pledge to use any power I have to ensure that the caps are maintained

at John Wayne Airport and that expansion is limited in perpetuity.

* What is the best solution to the state’s budget crisis?

Unfortunately, the liberal and free-spending policies of the past

several years have left us with a range of distasteful solutions to

the state budget crisis for the short term. In the Assembly, I will

never vote for a tax increase. It is imperative for the short term to

pass Propositions 57 and 58. I will hold my nose when I vote for this

deficit bond, but we need to allow the governor to stabilize the

fiscal crisis so we can then begin the sustained work to cut

spending. The truth of the matter is that although I would prefer

spending cuts, we cannot cut enough between now and June to make up

the $15 billion.

* Assuming the Legislature stays in Democratic hands, how will you

work with the majority party?

I believe that problems are never solved by merely attacking

people we disagree with -- too much of that already goes on in

Sacramento. In business, the only way to reach solutions is to engage

with and educate the opposition. You can engage with opponents

without compromising your principles, but you must engage to see

where common ground can be found. I have been the president of

National Assn. of Women Business Owners. In that capacity, I have had

to work in a bipartisan way to gain support within our membership for

pro-business, Republican-sponsored legislation. I will always stand

for free enterprise, limited and localized government, personal

opportunity and personal responsibility. I will stand tough against

any proposed tax increases.

* What makes you the best person for the job?

I am the only candidate in the race who has created hundreds of

jobs and signed thousands of paychecks on the front side for nearly

the past 20 years. I have a relevant and proven track record in

balancing budgets, solving tough problems and creating jobs. I have

never run for office and truly seek this office in the spirit of

public service -- not as a career. This enables me to stand firm on

principle and do what I believe is right for the voters in the

