
* What is the most pressing issue...

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* What is the most pressing issue in the state? In Newport-Mesa?

Reviving the economy. California is ranked as America’s No. 1 most

business unfriendly state. We must cut tax rates, trim regulations

and fix workers’ compensation to attract business and create jobs.

* What is the best solution to the state’s budget crisis?

Stop increasing spending at 9% per year annual growth. We need to

enact real budgetary reforms to rein in spending and root out waste,

fraud and abuse.

* Assuming the Legislature stays in Democratic hands, how will you

work with the majority party?

When I worked as a Reagan White House appointee in the Pentagon,

the Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate. As a

congressional liaison, I quickly learned how to work with members of

both parties to enact the president’s agenda. I’m sure we can find a

majority of legislators in Sacramento who would be willing to work

with Gov. Schwarzenegger to bring jobs to California.

* What makes you the best person for the job?

Experience and principle. For 12 years, I’ve worked as an

executive with a local aerospace firm. For 21 years, I’ve served

America in uniform as a military reservist. I worked with Congress in

the Reagan Administration and for Congressman Chris Cox. And, I’ve

been elected five times to the local Republican Party Central


* What one thing would you hope to accomplish while in office?

Make California attractive to business investment and jobs

creation by fixing workers’ compensation, cutting taxes and

streamlining regulations.
