
Keeping the heat on singers’ performance

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Thank you for the column, “Judging rights versus responsibilities,”

because so often I feel like I have no voice and I feel the same way.

I do like to watch what my daughter does but I don’t agree with all

of the stuff that’s going on. Thanks for voicing my opinion and its

good to see it.


Newport Beach

In Steve Smith’s continuing tirade about Janet Jackson’s Super

Bowl exposure, he has never mentioned the young man who was, in fact,

the active agent in this incident. Clearly the double standard still



Costa Mesa

Steve Smith you might like to know that you and I are not the only

ones who are happy with your good columns about the fact that people

don’t always want smut and dirt. I was in Las Vegas over the weekend

and saw the Danny Gans Show. The cost a $100 per ticket and the

theater was entirely filled, And he does this every night and has

been for I don’t know how long. There wasn’t one off-color word or

anything suggestive in his entire show. It was truly a treat and also

a treat that so many people still want to see that kind of thing.

Don’t give up on what you’re writing about.


Costa Mesa

I’m so tired of seeing on the media, and in the paper, all the

entertainment people saying how wonderful it is to have the right of

free speech. It’ as if those of us who believe in decency are made to

feel old-fashioned and that our point of view isn’t to be tolerated

any more -- and isn’t tolerated anymore. The people in MTV seem to

make all the decisions as to what’s right and wrong. And I think its

tasteless and I never watch it. I hate that my grandchildren watch

it. Its just refreshing to see a reporter stand up for what he

believes in.


Newport Beach
