
Trying to quell the concerns

The problem of the divisiveness concerning Principal Judith Chambers

has been pretty serious for a long time. I was just thrilled that you

had tapped into it, and it looks like there’s action going to be

taken. I have a second-grader at the school and could offer some



Newport Beach

I’m not sure if Shannon Jay’s return to the classroom will restore

unity to Newport Heights Elementary School. Do these parents have the

true picture? Are they privy to the hiring and personal files of the

district? Of course, the public in general is not privy, because

legally, it is not our business.

Of the nine years our family attended Newport Heights, there have

been three principals -- all with different styles, with many pros

and cons. None of us are perfect. As a family unit, we always showed

respect to the principal and the teachers at our school, even if we

did not agree with the policy.

Why? To model the correct behavior to our children. And also, we

realized that we are not running the school, the principal is. Many

parents and teachers often lose sight of that concept, and it is


We do not always know why they are making a decision, nor may we

always agree with it. Our role is to support and respect the

principal or the teacher, no matter if we agree with it or not. We

are not setting the rules, the Newport-Mesa Unified School District

is, as well as the principal and teachers, etc. Unfortunately,

Chambers has not always enjoyed that support from all. I’m

appreciative of all the efforts that Chambers has put into our


Chambers has brought many wonderful and good things to our school.

She is committed to strong curriculum, quality teachers and a safe

learning environment for all the students. I have personally

witnessed her going beyond the line of duty, where many others would

have quit.

She is a principal for all the students, not just a select few,

whose parents are only looking out for their own vested interests --

not the school’s as a whole. Our children love and respect her, as do

all the children. There are also many parents at Newport Heights that

think Chambers is wonderful. We’re sorry that parents were allowed to

unfairly vent their frustrations in this venue.

We would like to close by mentioning an item that the Newport-Mesa

school district enthusiastically adopted last year: a civility policy

to help prevent situations such as this. I was privileged to be a

part of the committee that spent many hours on the proper protocol

and steps of how to handle situations such as this, which is both

hurtful to Newport Heights as a school and Chambers.

Where is it at a time when parents are being allowed to act in

such a rude, hurtful manner as happened at the school board meeting?

Again, we are not all perfect, but no one deserves an attack like



Newport Beach

Thank you for your excellent coverage in Wednesday’s edition of

the Daily Pilot. The only way for Newport Heights to get back on

track is for the school board to hire a new leader for our school.

The Heights deserves a principal that will work in the best interest

of the students, the teachers and the parents.

That is in no way happening under the current leadership of the

school. The parents and teachers are frustrated, and it’s time for a


We cannot afford to accept mediocrity when it comes to the

education of our children.


Costa Mesa
