
Look and listen to God first


“In the pure, strong hours of the morning, when the soul of the day

is at its best, lean upon the window sill of God and look into His

face, and get the orders for the day. Then go out into the day with

the sense of a hand upon your shoulder and not a chip.”


Are you a morning person who wakes up eager to meet the new day,

and is excited about what God has planned for you, or are you more of

a night owl and find that the alarm clock rings long before you’re

ready to rise?

Perhaps you are still looking forward to the day, but it just

takes some time and coffee to get going. I’m typically a morning

person, and some mornings I wake up thinking about what God’s plans

for me are, while other mornings I charge right into what I think is

most important.

We’ve experienced amazing mornings over the past few weeks,

ranging from warm, beautiful sunrises to cold, pelting rain. No

matter what the weather may be, wherever we are, each morning brings

the start to a new day. After reading the quote at the top of this

column and talking with some friends, I am going to try to look at

each day in a new way.

Several friends have told me they start their mornings by asking

God for his marching orders for the day. “After all, God gave me the

gift of a new day, so I want him to tell me what he wants me to do

with it,” one of them said.

I agreed, and I want to try that. It’s very easy for me to march

along full speed ahead, only to realize later that I was marching on

my own and in the wrong direction. It’s like I’m going around in

circles until I ask God to straighten me out.

My husband Jon and I woke up to a cold, dark morning on the day I

began this column. After breakfast, Jon left for work and I headed

outside for a walk. I thought about what I needed to do that day and

started feeling unsettled. I marched back home.

“Oops, God, I’m sorry,” I said out loud. “What are your orders for

me for today?” I sat quietly for a while and then had a thought. I

glanced over my “to-do” list for the day and wrote “to-be with God.”

It was as if God said, “Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, calm down. Look to me

and listen to me first.” The anxiousness I felt when I first looked

at my list was replaced by peace, and I minimized the items to the

essentials. I stared out the window at the sky, which was ablaze with

changing colors. My mood became more colorful too. “Thank you God,” I


I wasn’t a parent telling a child to march back inside to wash his

hands; I was a child asking my Heavenly Father to wash my heart and

soul. I went for a shorter walk later, but more importantly, I felt

like God’s hand was in my plans.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at

[email protected] or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive,

Suite 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
