
Sometimes in photography it all comes down...

Sometimes in photography it all comes down to the light. The vast

majority of the time we are limited by crummy lighting conditions

that we must fight against and work around, battling to get a decent

picture. Then every once in a while we get a gift. That is what

happened in this photo of the Cirque du Soleil tent raising at the

O.C. Fairgrounds. It started out as a bit of a media circus itself,

with three still photographers and a TV cameraman all trying to get a

shot of the work crew raising the tent. I got the same shots as

everyone else, but decided to linger a bit longer after the main

event was over and the other photographers had left. As I was walking

around the far side of the tent I saw this beautiful corridor of

light shining through, throwing graphic shadows across the

foreground. All I had to do was wait for this worker to make his way

around the ring as he straightened the poles. He moved into the right

spot in the frame and I had my photo.

-- Kent Treptow
