
Locals claim division titles

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Three Laguna Beach athletes claimed division titles as the 2003

Junior Challenger Series was completed with recent action.

Division champions were crowned in four divisions overall.

Results from the division tournaments were as follows:

10-and-under Division: 1. Drew Kanner; 2. Benito Romero; 3. Teague


12-and-under Division: 1. Alison Azera; 2. McKenna Nokes; 3. Alex


14-and-under Division: 1. Natasha Boulad; 2. Bryce Hartley; 3.

Jami Andrews.

The 2004 Laguna Beach Junior Challenger Series debuts Jan. 25.

Registration for the new series can be taken at the Laguna Beach

Recreations Dept., through e-mail at [email protected], or

by calling Julie Heussenstamm at (949) 497-4850.
