
Signal snapshots met with approval

Thanks for your article regarding Costa Mesa’s red-light cameras. I

must admit that when they first appeared, I was very enraged that the

city would stoop so low as to install the cameras that in my mind

were primarily intended to raise city revenues, not decrease traffic


However, it has caused me to pay more attention to the regular

occurrences of vehicles that continue to enter intersections after

their light has turned red. My wife and I were even struck by another

car that ran a red light a few months ago.

Since there were no witnesses, we had to foot the $500 deductible

for our repair bill. Had a traffic camera been installed in that

intersection, there would be no question who was at fault.

This incident and many other close calls have caused me to change

my position on this issue. I think our city needs more of these

cameras to help keep our streets safe from reckless traffic



Costa Mesa

They’re an idea whose time had definitely come. Many a time I’ve

watched people race through intersections and wish, “Oh where’s a

policeman, where’s a policeman?”

If the cameras keep people from running through those

intersections, there will be many people who won’t be injured and die

in these horrible red-light running accidents.

I also would recommend some cameras at the coroners of our

neighborhood stop signs -- especially around the schools. I watch

soccer moms in their urban assault vehicles full of children running

through the stops and endangering pedestrians, as well as cars coming

from side streets.

I wish there were enough police in the Costa Mesa and Newport

Beach to get these people, especially in the Newport Heights area, as

they race their children toward school, breaking laws and not setting

good examples for the rest of the community.


Costa Mesa

I think these red-light cameras are great and necessary --

extremely necessary and mandatory. They should be continued and

increased, with installation at other major intersections. As the

Daily Pilot pointed out, red-light runners is the cause of some of

the most horrible accidents that any of us can imagine.

Red-light violations are not just common in Newport Beach but all

over. When I drive, I’m nervous at intersections because of those

people. Anyways, hopefully, this is going to reduce the terrible

accidents that occur as a result of those fools who run those red



Newport Beach
