
TOW to hold Toys for Tots drive...

TOW to hold Toys

for Tots drive

The Top of the World Student Council asked the United States

Marine Corps Reservists to bring Toys for Tots/Teens collection boxes

to TOW for the collection of toys and other items that older children

would like to have. The Marine Reservists are from Camp Pendleton.

The Marines will be at TOW today at 8 a.m. for the TOW Flag


They will be here to explain the Toys for Tots program to the

students, when and how the program began and will return again on

Dec. 19 to pick up the items collected.

The Marines have asked that when donating items for the program

that parents think of the older child. They would like CDs, CD

players, hair dryers, video games etc.

Top of the World Elementary School is at 21601 Tree Top Lane. To

make a donation call (949) 497-7790.

Open house today to benefit SchoolPower

For the past 14 years, Pamela Croce Turner’s De La Croce Jewelry,

whose jewelry is sold in fine department stores, has been made with

the help of her daughter and son-in-law. The jewelry is handmade

using semi-precious gems. Croce Turner’s daughter and son-in-law have

physical and mental disabilities. After falling in love, she moved

them to the desert with her, where making jewelry became a life of

independence for them. As well as helping her daughter, jewelry

donations are a way she helps support children in need with medical


A portion of today’s sales will go to SchoolPower. Nancee Swensson

will give the party and it will be hosted at Katherine Moisen’s home

at 2560 Irvine Cove Crest. They will have readings by psychics from 1

to 3 p.m. and food by Stargrazers. For information, call (949)


Shop Downtown to support schools

Laguna Beach’s Education Foundation SchoolPower is working in

collaboration with dozens of Laguna businesses to gain more local

business while supporting Laguna’s public schools with the

SchoolPower’s Laguna Locals Card.

The card gives discounts and perks. Look for their sticker on

merchants’ windows that says, “We Welcome the SchoolPower Laguna

Locals Card.”

SchoolPower offers the locals card to donors who give $50 or more.

For more information, call SchoolPower at (949) 494-6811 or e-mail

[email protected].

High school Winter Dance concert

Laguna Beach High School is having their Winter Dance production

“In Concert” today and Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Artists’ Theater at

625 Park Ave.

“In Concert” is composed of seven dances. The opening is a

classical ballet with two principles and a corps of nine girls.

Later in the concert there is second, more modern ballet trio,

also shown in three sections. This ballet piece, juxtaposed to the

classical one, truly deviates from what we normally see in ballet.

There is also a musical theater, character piece titled “Trouble.”

The spirit of the 1930s comes alive with a swing piece comprised

of two dances, a sleeper and a sprint. The sleeper is named “My Last

Affair,” while the sprint is named “Copenhagen.” These two pieces are

from the 1930s and mimic a dance marathon.

A modern dance, named “Thaiography,” has influences from ancient

Asian Thai Chi and incorporates props into this distinct style and

technique. “Watercolors” was inspired by visual fluidity of costumes

and asymmetry. The piece uses the beautiful costumes (designed and

built by Jan Munoz) to paint movement as if it were submerged in

fluid. Closing the show is the high energy, contemporary jazz piece,


Directed by Tod A. Kubo, choreography by Mychelle Perez, Teresa

Avina and Audry Wilson and technical direction by Peter Roche.

Tickets are $8 for students and $10 for adults. For information,

call (949) 497-7771.

Happenings at El Morro Elementary

Fourth-grade students are completing their fantasy book reports.

These written book reports are presented orally each month. This unit

of study begins in January.

On Dec. 15, third grade students in Mary Blanton’s class will be

presenting Club 54 Winter Memories. Students have been studying and

writing about their favorite family memories and traditions. Today

they will orally present these memories. In the tradition of Las

Posadas, students will enjoy a Mexican Buffet following the


In honor of the 100-year anniversary of the Wright Brothers test

flight in Flyer One; Wendy Shaw and her second grade crew are

designing their own paper airplanes. They have measured the distance

of the original test run which was 120 feet. They have been

photographed in their Orville and Wilbur Wright costumes and are now

awaiting their trek to Kitty Hawk also known as El Moro Beach.

Armed with paper airplanes and parents, on Dec. 17, students will

test their planes aiming to break the Wright Brothers’ flight time of

12 seconds. The public is welcome to attend.

Also on Dec. 17, the third grade will be visiting the

Environmental Nature Center. They will experience a hands-on

presentation of Native American life. The students learn about many

California native plants and how they are used today in everything

from shampoo to cough syrup. This outdoor field trip takes place in a

natural sanctuary where students have a glimpse of life long ago.

Students at El Morro Elementary School will be donning their

winter hats and scarves for their fifth-annual Holiday Hat Day on

Dec. 19.
