
Class size reduction group will meet Wednesday...

Class size reduction group will meet Wednesday

A parent volunteer group aiming to raise money to save class size

reduction in the Huntington Beach City School District will meet for

the second time on Wednesday in hopes of finding more people to back

their cause.

The Community for Class Size Reduction has invited more than 5,000

community members to attend the 6:30 p.m. meeting Wednesday at the

district office, at 20451 Craimer Lane. The meeting is open to the


The group kicked off its fundraising effort at a meeting on Nov.

24 that attracted nearly 100 community members and netted more than

$13,500 toward its goal of $450,000 by April. Parents are being asked

to donate $200 for every child they have in the district toward the

cause to keep student to teacher ratios at 20 to 1 from kindergarten

through second grade and to restore 20 to 1 ratios in third grade.

The Huntington Beach Education Foundation, a nonprofit

organization committed to the city school district community, is the

fiscal agent handling the tax-deductible donations. Donations can be

made out to HBEF/CSR and mailed to 20451 Craimer Lane, Huntington

Beach, CA, 92646.

For more information, visit or call

parent volunteer Lena Vergara at 714-960-7861.

Edison knowledge team takes 10th at nationals

A team of 13 students at Edison High School faced the top 875 high

school teams in the country on Dec. 3 in the 41st Knowledge Master

Open, capturing the state championship and finishing 10th in the


The team was led by two-year captain and four-year starting

varsity player Kha Lai along with Bac Nguyen, co-captain and

three-year starting varsity player. They will try to lead their team

to victory in the June National Academic Championships. Other varsity

members are Jackie Thompson, Diana Jaffe and Natalie Miles.

Junior Varsity Captain Eric Samuel had his team of Caitlin Hewes,

Neel Murthy, Tom Stadfelt, Krystal Pazanti, Tyler Hill, Daniel Wu and

newcomer Austin Davis on hand to aid the victory.

The Knowledge Master Open was designed to stimulate enthusiasm for

learning and recognition for academic accomplishment and runs on

classroom computers to allow all students to compete in a large

academic event without the traveling expense.

Edison High School has now earned 21 state titles, two national

titles and a world championship, giving the school the most wins in

California quiz bowl history.
