
The Orange County Registrar of Voters reports...

The Orange County Registrar of Voters reports that these candidates

will be on the ballot in the March 2 primary election. The filing

deadline for declarations of candidacy was Friday.

U.S. House of Representatives, 46th District: Dana Rohrabacher (R,

incumbent), Jim Brandt (D), Ted Crisell (D), Paul C. Wilkins (D),

Robert K. Dornan (R), Tom Lash (GRN), Keith Gann (LIBN).

U.S. House of Representatives, 48th District: Christopher Cox (R,

incumbent), Jason Clark (D), John Graham (D), Bruce Cohen (LIBN).

State Senate, 35th District: Rita Seibert (D), John Campbell (R),

Ken Maddox (R), Joe Snyder (R), Timothy Johnson (LIBN).

State Assembly, 68th District: Al Snook (D), Mark Leyes (R), Van

Tran (R), Larry D. Allison (LIBN).

State Assembly, 70th District: Carl Mariz (D), Cristi Cristich

(R), Chuck DeVore (R), Chonchol D. Gupta (R), Long K. Pham (R),

Marianne Zippi (R), Donald P. Wagner (R), Mark Baldwin (LIBN).
