
Curing disease is not unethical

The Islamic faith does not prohibit embryonic stem cell research or

its use, especially for the treatment of major diseases such as

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and others. However, the problem arises when

this type of research is used for cloning, which might end up in

devastating repercussions on humanity.


Islamic Educational Center of Orange County

Costa Mesa

“Choose life,” Deuteronomy 30:19, seems so simple and directive.

Christians are pro-choosing life.

Research using embryonic stem cells promises so much help to so

many currently suffering such horrific diseases that support from

Christians for it initially would seem a “slam dunk.” Yet the source

of some cells for research certainly does raise concerns and

disagreements among those of us who are pro-choosing life; this is a

great ethical debate among those who work for justice in our time.

It is tempting to say that choosing is easy and/or to reduce life

to amino acids or “a bowl of cherries” or “the rat race.” Mature

human beings know that vital choices are seldom easy. Christians

understand that life is the mystery and the miracle. Rather than

pursuing multitudinous ways of idolatry, life is loving and obeying

the Lord, who commands “choose life.”



St. Michael & All Angels

Episcopal Church

Corona del Mar

Judaism mans the ramparts of scientific progress, which creates

life-saving possibilities. The Jewish tradition teaches that a lone

fertilized egg does not merit the status of a person. If embryonic

stem cell research can aid in preserving human life, it ought to be

continued. While stringent guidelines must be observed, such research

heralds a promising breakthrough in the healing of those afflicted

with diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Judaism extols preserving life and health as its highest value.

The task of healing is viewed as God-given. This duty, coupled with

the fact that an embryo or aborted fetus are not accorded the status

of a fully recognized human being to receive the full range of

rights, permits stem cell research and makes this kind of exploration

compulsory in the pursuit of healing technology.


Temple Bat Yahm

Corona del Mar
