
CMALL signups today

Costa Mesa American Little League will hold signups for its 2004

spring season from 9 a.m. to noon today near a booth set up off

Arlington Drive at Costa Mesa High.

Boys and girls ages 5-12 on July 31, 2004, and who live within the

CMALL boundaries are encouraged to register.

New players need to provide proof of age (birth certificate) and

residence (parent’s driver’s license, utility bill, school records).

T-ball and Coach Pitch players will need to pay $65 while Farm and

upper-division children cost $85.

Early registration fees are only available until Oct. 31. Regular

registration fees are $75 for T-ball and Coach Pitch while Farm and

upper division children cost $95.

Parents can opt out of participating in league fund-raisers by

paying $25 at the time of registration.

Tryouts for the upper division (8-12-year-olds) players are held

in January. Practices for the spring season begin in February with

Opening Day scheduled for Feb. 28. The season continues until June


Players receive a uniform, pictures and play in an 18-24 game

season depending on the child’s age. Call (949) 282-7864 for more

