
Laguna Beach Unified School District scores well...

Laguna Beach Unified School District scores well

The California Department of Education Policy and Evaluation

Division has released the 2002-03 Academic Performance Index Growth

Report, and the Laguna Beach Unified School District did very well.

Thurston Middle School, Top of the World Elementary School and El

Morro Elementary School all performed above the statewide performance

target of 800 in 2002. El Morro had a 44-point growth, Thurston grew

35 points and Top of the World gained 27 points over the previous

year. Laguna Beach High School had a 39-point growth and missed its

target by three points. Assistant Supt. Steven Keller said he was

very pleased with the students, faculty and staff of everyone in the

district, working together to continue to excel.

Happenings at El Morro Elementary

Third-graders who have been studying friendship and their

community at El Morro Elementary School are taking part in a supply

drive for the Friendship Shelter. Classes are collecting cleaning

supplies, personal hygiene items, pasta sauce and coffee. Donations

will be accepted through today.

Upper grade and lower grade classes are busy working on

cross-grade “Big Buddies” projects. Many buddies are working on drug

abuse prevention posters during Drug Prevention Week and mini-reports

on bats.

El Morro welcomes three student teachers from local universities.

Karen Kettner from Cal State Fullerton is joining Marshall Klapman’s

fourth- and fifth-grade class. Tiffany Willis is working with Kathy

Vick’s fourth grade. She joins the school from Chapman University.

Mary Blanton’s third-grade class is hosting Erin Gillett from UCI.

They will participate through the rest of the fall quarter.

Debbie Finnerty’s class just finished reading the book “Flat

Stanley.” In this story about a young man who has been flattened by a

bulletin board, Stanley learns to use his unique shape to benefit

others. This story is a favorite among the second-graders. Finnerty’s

class will be sending its own Flat Stanley around the United States

to visit classmates’ families and friends. These families and friends

will then document his adventures while abroad.

Don’t Forget Boo Blast

El Morro Elementary School’s annual Halloween Carnival Boo Blast

is from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. today.

There will be a haunted pirate ship, gams, food and plenty of fun

things for everyone to partake. It’s an annual fund-raiser that

brings thousands to join in the activities. The community event is

not just for El Morro students and their family. El Morro School is

off Coast Highway and El Moro Canyon. Information: (949) 497-7780.
