
Wendt Terrace neighbors get stop sign

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Mike Swanson

A stop sign will be installed on an interim basis for eastbound

traffic on Park Avenue at the Wendt Terrace intersection after a

majority of the City Council agreed with several residents lobbying

on the stop sign’s behalf.

More than one speaker compared the Park Avenue and Wendt Terrace

intersection to Rosa Bonheur and Cliff Drive, a spot that didn’t have

a history of accidents but came under fire after Elizabeth Stock was

hit and killed in 2000. The city installed a stop sign at that

intersection earlier this year.

“It seems like I’ve gotten more phone calls on this issue than

anything since I’ve been on City Council,” Elizabeth Pearson said.

Dick Backus from the Auto Club of Southern California reviewed the

intersection and submitted a report to the city in March saying he

didn’t believe a stop sign was necessary, citing the area’s low flow

of traffic and infrequent accidents. After meeting with several

residents, however, he submitted another report in April supporting

the addition of a stop sign.

Every council member but Wayne Baglin agreed.

Baglin, who lives near the intersection and drives through it

regularly, said people’s extra cautiousness at the dangerous

intersection is what contributes to its lack of accidents.

“All day long, I hear horns honking and people screaming at that

intersection,” Baglin said. “We don’t have accidents there because

they’re scared and don’t take their safety for granted.”

A stop sign will be installed for six months. Then, the city will

determine whether it should stay permanently.
