
49 and 41, Anaheim Hills and Costa...

49 and 41, Anaheim Hills and Costa Mesa ... Bailey-Findley is the

general manager of the Orange County Fairgrounds, and Beazley is the

deputy general manager ... She grew up with the fair, as father Jim

Bailey is the former head of Centennial Farm; he has been with the

fair for 28 years ... She sits mostly in an office now and takes care

of the fair’s administrative side, but Bailey-Findley was a 4-H

leader and used to help her children raise chickens and eggs ... She

is married and has three children ... Beazley is also married and has

one child and another one due in November ... He received a doctorate

in psychology from Pepperdine University ... With the Pacific

Amphitheatre rocking again during the fair for the first time since

noise lawsuits shut it down in the mid-1990s, Beazley said he was

especially proud of being able to manage the sound during the rock

concerts ... Last year’s ranking: 21
