
Affirm democracy; say no to the recall

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Barbara McMurray

It’s zero hour for California. Like in many other states in the

union, California’s finances, schools and society are in crisis. The

appalling turn of recent events has made California politics a

punchline. For a handful of self-interested political players to

attempt an unprecedented power grab at this, our state’s most

vulnerable moment, is to make a joke of the democratic process. If it

succeeds, it will throw California into deeper turmoil.

Rather than attacking and magnifying what’s wrong, why aren’t

Republicans like Frank Ricchiazzi offering up real solutions

(“Sounding Off,” Coastline Pilot, Sept. 26)? Instead, the option

being presented is like a bad movie script with a B-list star. Arnold

Schwarzenegger has no political experience. He hasn’t even bothered

to vote in 13 of the last 21 elections. He and his scary right-wing

backers are seizing the recall as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

for him to buy the governorship. He won’t debate, he has no plan for

helping California, and his claim to fame is fame itself, earned by

starring in violent, foolish films that show him brandishing guns and

committing mayhem and murder. This is the Republicans’ top choice for

the next governor?

Arnold says he can balance the state budget without new taxes or

spending cuts. If he can do this, he would be the first.

If you believe in democracy, ignore what the kooky polls from last

weekend tell you. Instead, fight back against this ego-driven,

media-saturated sucker-punch to our democratic system and values.

Pick up the phone and call that friend you know might forget to vote.

Put up a sign in your window at home and in your car. Sign up for

phone banking -- do whatever it takes. We have a few precious days

left to fight back. Vote no on the recall, then vote for Lt. Gov.

Cruz Bustamante to fend off this unholy power play.

* BARBARA MCMURRAY and her family have lived in Laguna Beach since

1990. She is the principal of McMurray Marketing Communications, a

public relations and writing services company.
