
No intelligence required Much has been said...

No intelligence required

Much has been said about Schwarzenegger’s continually dodging

unscripted TV interviews. The reason is obvious: his dearth of

ability to think fast and fear that he might say the wrong thing.

Underlying this, of course, is his low mentality.

Gov. Gray Davis has pointed out Schwarzenegger’s total lack of

political ability. Davis is right. Think: Could Arnold Schwarzenegger

walk into, say, a Ralph’s supermarket or a Target and take over today

as manager? Would they let him, with his lack of experience? Would

the Union Pacific assign him as a yardmaster? In any case, it would

be a position he would need to work up to, and on the railroad, it

would take him many years.

If Schwarzenegger lacks the mentality to separate canned goods

from vegetables or sort freight cars in a classification yard, how

can he possibly manage the state of California?

His lone desire is to win the right to spread his breath of the

governor’s throne. I find it appalling that so many people are

backing him and how naive the voting public can be. But “birds of a

feather flock together.”


Costa Mesa

Lawsuit against coach thrown out

Does anybody out there agree with me that the best news by far all

week in the local paper was the dismissal by the judge in the suit

against the Corona del Mar High School baseball coach who allegedly

ruined some kid’s chance to get a college scholarship? Thank you to

the judge who did this. It gives me great confidence in our judicial



Newport Beach

Pilot’s objectivity terminated

A casual observer might be forgiven for assuming that the Pilot is

produced by the Arnold Schwarzenegger public relations staff. If the

Pilot wants to prove its independence and still have a daily “Arnold”

headline, it might do a story on Newport-Mesa reaction to the

thorough and convincing Los Angeles Times investigation of Arnold’s

groping and humiliation of women over the decades.


Costa Mesa
