
Tars tame rival

Newport Harbor High’s surf team ran its Sea View League record to 2-0

on Tuesday morning after beating Mater Dei, 108-60, at the 56th

Street break in Newport Beach.

Newport captured six of the eight first-place heats and seven of

eight second-place positions in waves which were not as powerful as

last week. The early heats experienced a few head-high sets, quieting

down to knee-high surf.

The Sailor boys’ shortboard team captured all four team heats.

They were led by Daniel Shea and Bronson Hovnanian, who took first in

their heats for the second consecutive week.

Also taking first for Harbor was Nathan Stoneman. Second-place

finishers for Newport were Charlie Buckingham, Tommy Holbrook, J. J.

Frei and Brett Catron. Buckingham scored the high-wave count for the

day with an 8.5, while Stoneman registered the highest point count

from the three judges at 50.5 (out of a maximum of 60 points).

The Newport bodyboarders swept all three positions, led by winner

Matt Kretschmar and Daniel Mathews in second.

The longboarders also swept the top three spots, led by Tanner

Prairie with second place taken by Chase Smith.

The Sailors’ girls longboard team won its heat, but the girl

shortboarders lost. The longboarders were led by Jill Austin, who

took first place for the second straight week. The shortboard team

had Amy Benjamin place second.

The next meet for Newport is at home (56th Street) at 6:30 a.m.

against Los Alamitos Oct. 9.
