
Peter Ueberroth’s plan won’t fly My response...

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Peter Ueberroth’s plan won’t fly

My response to your question regarding Peter Ueberroth’s political

ideas is that most of them are fine ideas but they have no

substantial difference from any of the other conservative candidates.

However, the only fully qualified candidate for governor is Tom

McClintock while all the others are miles behind him in capability,

goals and experience. The sad part is that Arnold [Schwarzenegger] is

probably the only one who can win in this democratic, union,

socialistic controlled state. But even Schwarzenegger can win only if

Simon and McClintock get out and throw their support to Arnold.

Failure of all the conservative candidates to become unified behind a

single strong candidate will surely lead to a situation even worse

than we have now with “tax-raiser [Cruz] Bustamante” becoming


Regarding the threat of South Coast Medical Center leaving Laguna

there can be only one response; it would be a disaster for Laguna

citizens and visitors.


Laguna Beach

I am disappointed to say Peter Ueberroth has not presented a

feasible plan for the state.

For example, the amnesty plan would only work in conjunction with

a federal plan. What our state badly needs is a non-partisan

discussion of the fractured economic structure under which we

operate. Perhaps then, we would be able to make informed decisions,

based on our values, about what course we should take. We are too

intelligent to be insulted by sound bites.


Laguna Beach

Earthquake changes are ridiculous

The state has mandated requirements to supposedly make the South

Coast Medical Center safe and able to withstand a 8.0 earthquake.

This would make sense for new construction but not to retrofit

existing buildings. The exorbitant cost and the close down of a

hospital is too much to ask when the whole scenario is examined.

Absolute bureaucratic hog wash.

Who are these experts who say such work is necessary? Are there

bon a fide earthquake scientists? If they are so smart let them

predict the next major earthquake and we will evacuate the hospital.

What about al the high rise apartments and office buildings?

How many patients have been killed by an earthquake while a

hospital patient? I’ll bet more people have died because they could

not get to an emergency room in time. The Orange County coast in not

earthquake prone. The mission in San Juan Capistrano is still

standing after centuries and it is of adobe block construction, not

steel reinforced concrete.

Repeal or modify these new state requirements. The South Coast

structure is not just a ram-shackle structure, but a modern building

that could withstand a sizable shake. If we are going to wander into

the area of possibilities why not worry about avalanches or floods or


Leave the hospital alone. We will sign a waiver that would absolve

the hospital of any injuries suffered in an earthquake while we are a

patient. Put these idiotic bureaucrats to work on some of our

everyday problems like traffic and public transportation, the

homeless, the influx of illegals. It makes me ill to think my taxes

are paying these guys to write up such ridiculous requirements on

situations that don’t need attention.

Please all you folks who live along the coastal area from San

Clemente to Newport let your voices be heard. Write or call your

representatives in Sacramento, Orange County your City Council. Can

you imagine a safer place o be in an earthquake than a hospital bed?


Laguna Beach

* The Coastline Pilot is eager to run your letters. If your letter

does not appear, it may be because of space restrictions, and the

letter will likely appear next week. If you would like to submit a

letter, write to us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, CA 92652; fax us

at 494-8979; or send e-mail to [email protected]. Please

give your name and include your hometown and phone number, for

verification purposes only.
