
DEC. 19 to 21 Seaside Community Church...

DEC. 19 to 21

Seaside Community

Church will present its annual production of “The Nazarene.” The

musical is a warm historical piece about the origins of Jesus, his

parents Joseph and Mary, and their hometown of Nazareth. The musical

will be directed by Steve Wilber, choreographed by Mindy Reid. The

musical direction will be done by the writer, Moses Toth.

Information: (714) 997-5544.


The Bat Mitzvah Club helps young Jewish girls learn about life and

helps them build a foundation for their souls. The group meets every

other Wednesday. For more information contact Rebbitzen Yiska

Berkowitzat Chabad of Orange County Huntington Beach Bat Mitzvah

Club, (714) 846-2285.

Rebbetzin Yiska

Berkowitz’s Mommy & Me, meets from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays

in Huntington Beach. It is a wonderful blend of young children having

Jewish fun, laughing and playing and singing and painting, with

mothers getting together to support each other and be supported by

Yiska’s guiding hand. For more information contact Rebbetzin Yiska

Berkowitz at Chabad of Orange County -- Huntington Beach Mommy & Me,

(714) 846-1565.
