
Some words on Peter Ueberroth I read...

Some words on Peter Ueberroth

I read with interest Mike Swanson’s Aug. 15 article about Laguna

Beach resident Peter Ueberroth entering the race for governor in the

recall election (“Ueberroth gets into the mix”).

In that article, Laguna Beach City Councilman Wayne Baglin

wondered whether Ueberroth had been “involved with something

specifically Laguna” as many “celebrities” living in town have not.

As a matter of fact, Peter and Ginny Ueberroth have been actively

involved as Trustees of the Laguna Playhouse for several years and

before that as theatergoers and donors.

As a nonprofit organization, The Playhouse takes no position on

either the recall election or any specific candidate, and is

providing this information solely as a matter of clarification.


Executive Director

The Laguna Playhouse

He’s got my vote! And, I might work on his campaign if invited.


San Clemente

Sittin’ around being thankful

I was sitting at fast food restaurant looking at the animals on

the roof of nearby building and thinking we have a lot this summer to

be thankful for.

Mayor Toni Iseman’s idea of free trolleys is a boon, not only for

visitors but for locals too. We can also be proud of our city’s

lifeguard service and junior guard program. It is one of the best.

Watch the junior guard program on the beach and see for yourself.

The mayor and City Council should also be recognized for seizing

the land for the Montage employee parking. The landscaping around the

perimeter of the parking areas is great too.

Of course, most Lagunatics would agree, the greatest thing about

the summer is the Pacific Ocean.


Laguna Beach

The Coastline Pilot is eager to run your letters. If your letter

does not appear, it may be because of space restrictions, and the

letter will likely appear next week. Write to us at P.O. Box 248,

Laguna Beach, CA 92652; fax us at 494-8979; or send e-mail to

[email protected]. Please give your name and include your

hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only.
