
There’s no good reason to march

The American Civil Liberties Union, which appears to have ceased to

defend any real civil liberties or promote any actual tolerance, has

come to Costa Mesa. Why?

To come to the defense of the epitome of intolerance, the

homosexual agenda. The ACLU has sued Costa Mesa on behalf of the

self-proclaimed “Dykes on Bikes,” who wanted special concessions to

march in our fair city on Saturday for the purpose of promoting their

deviant, unhealthy and narcissistic lifestyle.

Not satisfied to receive the same conditions for public

demonstration as everyone else, the group demands to set its own

conditions for the privilege of closing public streets, engaging

police escort and all other city assistance necessitated by their


But why am I not surprised? This is really a replay of last year’s

event. And isn’t this the way the homosexual agenda has been advanced

from its inception: Assume a victim status, cry foul and demand to be

accommodated according to the dictates of homosexual activists.

Never satisfied to be merely tolerated or even accepted,

homosexual activists increasingly insist on their lifestyle being

affirmed, and their sexual preferences and unions deemed on par with

or even superior to those of heterosexuals. Anyone objecting is

automatically labeled and condemned as a homophobic bigot akin to a


What we have here, folks, is a totalitarian movement (the “gay”

agenda, not the “Dykes on Bikes”) that, according to World Net Daily,

a U.N. recognized group known as UNGLOBE (U.N. Gay, Lesbian Or

Bisexual Employees), has declared a “showdown with religion.”

Essentially, it is a clash of world views that really cannot

coexist. One must eventually prevail. If it be the “gay” activist

model (“gay” is a politicized term that differentiates the homosexual

who just wants to live his life from those who want to impose their

lifestyle on others), then we will have a totalitarianism that rivals

any in history. The alarming news is the undeniable fact that,

historically, totalitarianism invariably results in anarchy and ends

in violence.

It is time to love the hapless victims of this unnatural

affliction enough to tell them the truth. It is sad to see a group of

women (or, for that matter in other instances, men) so insecure and

in need of affection and attention that they must parade their

unfortunate condition through the public streets.

A strong defense from Costa Mesa city leaders could not be

expected. Intimidation invariably carries the day. A settlement

favorable to the plaintiffs was never in doubt. And in fact, now that

the city has backed down, the organizers of the march are “really


Nevertheless, the organizers are still pursuing the lawsuit. They

want to “settle this matter once and for all,” and they or others

will be back next year and again and again until the ultimate goal of

the homosexual agenda is achieved: the complete annihilation of any

freedom of expression that challenges the homosexual lifestyle;

complete sexual license; total absence of traditional morality; and

any sense of right or wrong.

Actually, I believe these women are the victims, but not by the

city of Costa Mesa. I believe they are the unwitting dupes of the

homosexual agenda itself. Lesbian Pride March -- what pride? I don’t

see much pride or dignity displayed in the photos of last year’s


* ILA JOHNSON is a Costa Mesa resident.
