
Sometimes it really is that simple

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Chasing down the muse

The flower is the ... example of the eternal seductiveness of life.


Sometimes, in spite of my intention to take things a day at a

time, things just seem to rush at me from all directions, demanding

attention. When these things get to be just too much, I usually take

myself for a walk. After a surprise thunderstorm the other night (I

probably just wasn’t paying attention and so was “surprised”), I got

up to a refreshing sunny and clear morning. I had way too much to do

for a walk, I told myself. So, of course, off I went for an early

morning walk along the ocean front in north Laguna.

Elegant statuesque palms seemed to reach up to touch the scattered

white clouds in the cerulean blue of the sky. The air smelled clean

with just a touch of the briny sea in it. Though I knew the humidity

was lingering at about 90%, the clearing from the storm seemed to

have taken off some of the weight of the damp air as I walked past

Las Brisas.

Life is too short not to stop and smell the roses. How often have

we heard that one?

Taking it literally for the moment, I leaned over the fence to

smell a rich apricot-colored rose. Ah! The sweet redolence tingled in

my nostrils, lifting my spirits in some way. Can it be this simple?

What does it really mean to stop and smell the roses? Even taking

time for the things that really matter sometimes means to be living a

life where time is pretty well filled up. What is one to do?

Rest need not be a vacation in the Bahamas or at a mountain lake.

Rest may be as simple as to pause and smell the roses or get up in

the morning and watch the sun rise.

Many of my coaching clients complain that there is not enough

time, leaving them stressed, frustrated and feeling depleted. They

plan their vacation times, seemingly, to be even busier, trying to

get it all in. They then return home unrested and the cycle

continues. A big part of the feeling of “running on empty” lies with

a lack of simple rest. Ponder the value of rest with music and I

think you’ll get what I mean. I think it is as simple as stopping to

smell the roses.

Simple pleasures can be just that -- simple and pleasant. A stop

to smell the roses, a few moments to stroke the fur of your cat or

dog with your full attention, getting up early to watch the sun rise

-- just watch -- a splash in the surf, a few moments focused only on

your breath. These small moments can replenish our stores of energy

like no vacation does. You might be surprised. I was.

We worry too much. We do too much. Sometimes we even may “play”

too much. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone complain about resting too

much. We need not worry that these moments of rest will get in the

way of accomplishments. Rather, they enhance these achievements and

add energy to our stores for their fulfillment.

A splash in the surf? My own phrase echoes in my mind. Wouldn’t

that be a grand thing to do? Do it just because it is there, feels

good and makes us joyful in the moment. So much better than worrying

about toxic spills or destroying sea life or finding Saddam or

resolving the Israeli/Palestinian conflicts or what is happening to

weather patterns or how many people are at the Sawdust Festival or

even how to get “it” all done.

Just for the brief moment that is there -- to wrap oneself in the

laughter and joy and exhilaration of simply splashing in the surf --

to just do it! I’m off to the beach! Those other things will all be

there when I’m done. The difference? I’ll have replenished the stores

of my energy by “stopping to smell the roses.” Wanna join me?

* CHERRIL DOTY is a creative living coach, writer, artist, and

walker who lives and works in Laguna Beach. Contact her by e-mail at

[email protected] or by phone at 251-3993. Your comments are

