
Changes happen, but often for the good

“On the whole, God’s love for us is a much safer subject to think

about than our love for him. Nobody can always have devout feelings;

and even if we could, feelings are not what God principally cares

about. Christian love, either toward God or toward man, is an affair

of the will. But the great thing to remember is that, though our

feelings come and go, his love for us does not.”


Apparently, it is time for another change in my life. This time,

it’s as minor as a new address for my post office box, and you can

find it at the end of the column. Though it is really only a minor

inconvenience, I received the news on a day that already overflowed

with changes.

Though I am not a big fan of change, I have learned, changed and

grown because of unexpected circumstances. God has allowed enough

detours in my life that I am learning to be more flexible as I travel

along the hills and valleys of life. Sometimes, I make positive

internal changes because of situations, and it probably took the

external push to make the difference.

I don’t like change, but I do love God. Sometimes, however, I take

too long to ask for his love, peace and guidance when I feel

overwhelmed by life’s surprises. When I try to deal with the

unexpected things on my own, my moods are as unpredictable as the

weather. It’s good to be honest about my feelings, but not be ruled

by them. When I’m in inner turmoil, I try to tell God my feelings and

turn them over to him.

When I received the notice about my P.O. box, I told God that I

was tired of so many changes. Earlier that day, I watched as we had

had a beautiful tree removed. We needed to do it -- the roots had

done major damage to our neighbor Ken’s sidewalk and driveway, as

well as our own.

Ken patiently waited over the years as I tried major trimming and

root blocking, but the time came finally to solve the problem. The

men were nice and efficient, and we can plant something else. In the

meantime, I have a nice supply of firewood.

During the tree removal, I received calls about different friends

who’d taken a turn for the worse in their health. Another friend

called with major marital problems. I learned of some friends moving

away, which made me sad, too, though I am happy for them.

Not all change is bad, of course, and there have also been many

positive changes in my life lately. That same afternoon, I received a

call about a friend whose illness had greatly improved.

Another wonderful improvement involves the boy Max, whom I’ve

written about before. Less than two months ago, Max fell out of a

second-story window and sustained major head trauma. Max and his

family have had incredible medical, moral and prayer support, and Max

is home now, making great progress. Max loves God, and I’m so

thankful for his attitude and improvement.

Another friend just told me she and her husband are reconciling,

and I’m excited about that change.

One of the guarantees of life is that people and plans change. We

can be guaranteed that God’s love for us will never change.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached by e-mail at

[email protected] or by mail at 537 Newport Center Drive, No. 505,

Newport Beach, CA 92660.
