
There should be a law against tunnel project

Arthur Rice

Through the years I’ve learned explicitly that when other people --

all kinds of people, from Tom, Dick and Jane living in Riverside on

up to the politicians and on up again to the top -- have their agenda

they do not care about you or me or our life or lifestyle or anything

about us when they push their selfish agendas.

They do not care if it leads to completely disturbing our life and

lifestyle. They don’t care, so you might as well get that straight.

They probably rather you drop dead and get out of the way. Perfect

example is the tunnel proposed tunnel through the Santa Ana Mountains

between Orange and Riverside counties and how much more it will

impact the lives of Laguna people in a negative disastrous way. Which

it will.

The powers that be have already just about ruined our quiet

village way of life forever. And you know, I’m not stupid, but I

really don’t get it. How are other people and or the powers to be

like the developers and politicians allowed to just ruin a whole lot

of other people’s lives to get what they want?

This country and state loves laws, laws and more laws. So this

should be made a law that this can’t happen. That these people just

cannot do these things to screw up people’s lives. You law lovers

make this a law, OK?

* ARTHUR RICE is a Laguna Beach resident.
