
TUESDAY, JULY 29 Noon * Beach Cities...



* Beach Cities Quilt Guild (until 11 p.m.) -- Home & Hobbies


* Beach Cities Quilt Guild (until 11 p.m.) -- Home & Hobbies


* Scale Squadron (until 11 p.m.) -- Home & Hobbies Building

* Calif. China Painters Art Assn. (until 11 p.m.) -- Home &

Hobbies Building

* Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -- Youth Building

* “Discover the Fair” Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -- Youth


* Tasty Tomato Contest -- Youth Building

* Sock Hop -- Kids Stage

* Farm & Garden Contest Display Round 4 -- Centennial Farm

1 p.m.

* Maureen W. Puppet (until 6 p.m.) -- Around the grounds

* Mission Viejo Dance & Performing Arts -- Heritage Stage

* Beach Cities Stars -- Sun Stage

* China Painting -- Heirlooms of the Future -- Home & Hobbies


* Art & Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) -- Visual Arts


* Glassblowing Demonstration -- Crafters Village

* Miss Debbe Lynn -- Vocalist -- Celebration Stage -- Youth


* Juggler Dan Wiles -- Kids Stage

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Livestock

* Oxen Team Presentation -- Livestock Arena

* Traveling Game Show (1:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.) -- Around the grounds

* Russell Brothers Circus (1:30 p.m.) -- Green Gate Area

* Ceramics Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -- Crafters Village

* Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -- Millennium Barn

2 p.m.

* Show Kidz USA -- Heritage Stage

* Huntington Westminster Adult School Line Dancers -- Sun Stage

* Cooking with El Torito Chef Pepe Lopez -- Home & Hobbies Stage

* The Magic of Frank Thurston -- Kids Stage

* Recycled Percussion -- Little Theater

* Circus Fun Review Auditions (2:30 p.m.) -- Kids Stage

3 p.m.

* Mission Viejo Dance & Performing Arts -- Heritage Stage

* Beach Cities Stars -- Sun Stage

* Miss Debbe Lynn -- Vocalist -- Celebration Stage -- Youth


* Circus Fun Review Show -- Kids Stage

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Livestock

* Oxen Team Presentation -- Livestock Arena

* Scale Squadron with Gliders & Electric Power (3:30 p.m.) -- Home

& Hobbies Stage

* Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -- Millennium Barn

4 p.m.

* Royalty Kids -- Heritage Stage

* Huntington Westminster Adult School Line Dancers -- Sun Stage

* The Magic of Frank Thurston -- Celebration Stage -- Youth


* Catch-up Contest -- Kids Stage

* Glassblowing Demonstration -- Crafters Village

* Port City Washboard Wizards -- Around the grounds

4:30 p.m.

* Russell Brothers Circus (4:30 p.m.) -- Green Gate Area

* Napkin Folding with Jan Mongell (4:30 p.m.) -- Home & Hobbies


* Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m.) -- Crafters Village

5 p.m.

* Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -- Youth Building

* Fly By Night -- Swing Dancing -- Heritage Stage

* The Spank Band -- An All-Girl Band -- Sun Stage

* Juggler Dan Wiles -- Celebration Stage -- Youth Building

* Recycled Percussion -- Little Theater

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Livestock

* Junior Dairy Goat Showmanship Judging -- Livestock Arena

* Circus Fun Review Auditions (5:30 p.m.) -- Kids Stage

* Milking Demonstration (5:30 p.m.) -- Millennium Barn

6 p.m.

* Beading with Gayle Ness -- Home & Hobbies Stage

* The Magic of Frank Thurston -- Celebration Stage -- Youth


* Circus Fun Review Show -- Kids Stage

* Red, Ripe & Karaokin’ Contest (6:30 p.m.) -- Heritage Stage

7 p.m.

* Summer Concert Series: (Gates open 6 p.m.) Alan Jackson with

special guest Joe Nichols (7:30 p.m.) -- Pacific Amphitheatre

* The Mountain Top with Dr. Ralph Stanley, featuring Rhonda

Vincent and special guest Clark -- Citizens Business Bank Arena

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -- Sun Stage

* Glassblowing Demonstration -- Crafters Village

* Tomato Walk Contest -- Kids Stage

* Kids Karaoke -- Celebration Stage -- Youth Building

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Livestock

* Russell Brothers Circus (7:30 p.m.) -- Green Gate Area

* Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m.) -- Heritage Stage

* The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -- Kids Stage

* Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -- Crafters Village

* Milking Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -- Millennium Barn

8 p.m.

* Kelly Rae Band -- Sun Stage

* Target: Tomato Contest -- Kids Stage

* Recycled Percussion -- Little Theater

* Big Band 2000 (8:30 p.m.) -- Heritage Stage

9 p.m.

* The Mountain Top with Dr. Ralph Stanley, featuring Rhonda

Vincent and special guest Clark -- Citizens Business Bank Arena

* Russell Brothers Circus -- Green Gate Area

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -- Sun Stage

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Livestock

* Oxen Team Presentation -- Livestock Arena

* Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m.) -- Heritage Stage

* Ceramics Demonstration (9:30 p.m.) -- Crafters Village

10 p.m.

* Kelly Rae Band -- Sun Stage

* Big Band 2000 (10:30 p.m.) -- Heritage Stage
