
ON THE AGENDA Here are some of...


Here are some of the items the Planning Commission will consider



The applicant proposes to establish a winemaking facility in a

suite of an existing industrial building at 1954 Placentia Ave. The

applicant anticipates producing about 500 cases annually, with the

wine sold wholesale from this location. The primary use will involve

the fermenting and aging of the grapes and wine.


Staff recommends approval because the use will not harm the

surrounding properties since it will primarily involve fermentation

and aging of wine and bottling and shipping the finished product. The

business will be toward the middle of the building and the use will

be small in scale.

“There’s really nothing that’s much different about that operation

than any other industrial building other than the fact that they’re

going to be making wine, but it’s not going to be impacting

residents,” Commissioner Katrina Foley said. “It will say on the

label ‘Produced in Costa Mesa.’”


The applicant proposes to expand an existing single-story,

single-family residence by adding new area on the first-floor and a

new second floor.

Normally, minor design reviews for second-floor construction are

reviewed by the zoning administrator. However, the property at 2034

President Place is in a potential view preservation area. The City

Council is considering adoption of view preservation guidelines for

properties in these designated areas. Until it makes a final decision

on the guidelines, staff has been directed to forward all

applications within these areas to the Planning Commission.


Staff recommends approval because the proposed construction

satisfies applicable development standards and the city’s residential

design guidelines. Construction of the second floor will not

interfere with views from the adjoining properties because the view

is already obstructed by mature landscaping on this and surrounding


“It does demonstrate how [with] the view protection areas, when

taken on a case-by-case basis, we can look at whether or not the view

should be protected and in this instance, there was no view to

protect,” Foley said.


The applicant is requesting approval of a design review to build a

five-unit, two-story, common interest development on a small lot at

115 E. Wilson St. The project complies with the city’s residential

design guidelines.


Staff recommends approval since the project meets or exceeds all

applicable code requirements and is compatible and harmonious with

the surrounding properties and uses.

“It’s great they’re able to come in with a project for housing

because, for one, we need housing, and two, it’s a very odd and

narrow lot and it’s in a location that makes it difficult for many

other types of uses,” Foley said. “They can take advantage of the

alley and use it to back load the project and create a pretty nice

residential development.”


The applicant requests approval of a design review to build a

five-unit, two-story development at 2441 Elden Ave. The applicant is

requesting a exceptions from requirements for things such as parking

and open space.


Staff says it believes there is no justification to approve the

exceptions. It also feels the project would place a burden on the

on-street parking in the neighborhood.

“I will be surprised if that gets approved because it so far

exceeds all of the residential and developmental standards and asking

for a variance at every turn,” Foley said. “It’s projects like that

one that motivated the change to the residential guidelines in the

first place.”

-- Compiled by Deirdre Newman
