
Recall may not lead to new election

June Casagrande

If voters recall Councilman Dick Nichols, it’s possible that council

members, not voters, will pick his replacement.

City Atty. Bob Burnham said that it’s not clear whether the city

charter would override the state elections code on who should pick a

successor. The state code says that candidates to replace a recalled

official would be listed on the recall ballot. But the city charter

says that it’s up to the council to fill any vacancy.

“I haven’t done a legal analysis of this yet, so it’s not really

clear at this time,” Burnham said.

A recall of Dick Nichols could be underway as soon as next week.

Businessman Lloyd Ikerd said he would begin the recall effort if

Nichols doesn’t voluntarily step down under pressure for a comment

Nichols made in June about Mexicans.

Nichols’ council colleagues have all called for him to step down

after saying in a telephone interview that Mexicans occupy the grass

areas on Corona del Mar State Beach all day.

Ikerd reported that he had taken out recall papers earlier this

year after he witnessed Nichols making another comment about Mexicans

at a Chamber of Commerce meeting. When the later comment was

published, Ikerd said he would move forward with a recall.

Ikerd has said he would run for Nichols’ seat. Laura Dietz, who

ran against Nichols in the fall, said she would run also.
