
Pelican Hill Inn not in Greenlight’s sights

I would just like to point out, as a former member of the team that

obtained the original approval for the Newport Coast local coastal

program, that the Pelican Hill Inn is totally in keeping with the

local coastal program.

That means it is consistent with the general plan for that part of

Newport Beach and the request [to build the resort] requires no

general plan amendment. Thus, [the issue] the voters were concerned

about -- wanting to vote on general plan amendments in order to

assess traffic impacts -- is not triggered by this particular


The Pelican Hill Inn is not requesting an amendment to the

certified local coastal program. It is consistent with the approval

that was granted in 1988, so I am hopeful that readers will

understand that this proposal, although I am not involved in the

process, is consistent and does not require an amendment.

Therefore, it would not be subject to Greenlight, even if the

project were being processed through the city.


Newport Coast

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Carol Hoffman is a former Irvine Co. official now

working as a consultant with her own firm.
