
Refreshed by zest for learning and knowledge...

Refreshed by zest for learning and knowledge

After reading of Roger Mendez’s excitement regarding his studies

in physics and engineering versus the Westside gang sweep article on

the same front page today, I was compelled to stop everything and

raise a cheer for a young man’s love of learning against numerous

odds that so many of never face as we take our “right” to an

education for granted.

I can just hear teachers everywhere wishing they had classrooms

full of students like Roger. His appreciation for opportunities his

parents never had is palatable as he relates his plans at

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and to “fight for the freedom

that makes it the greatest nation in the world.” How refreshing to

hear appreciation, determination, loyalty and sheer delight of what

he can become in the future. His parents have every right to be

bursting with pride.

For all those who forget that stereotypes and racial profiling are

not only dangerous, but unfair, Roger Mendez is one of many shining

lights that keep our country the best place in the world to live.


Costa Mesa

Will Pelican Hill Resort effect cost of utilities?

In response to the article on the front page of Saturday’s paper

regarding concerns on Pelican Hill Resort : On the same page is your

article about the rising cost of water due to higher demand. Our

concern is how will the Pelican Hill Resort effect the costs and

supply of our precious utilities.


Newport Beach
