
Yankees take Ocean View Majors

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Slater Davies struck out 13 batters and the Yankees defense posted

another shutout victory as they downed the Dodgers, 10-0, on the

final day of regular season Majors Division play at Ocean View Little


The victory allowed the Yankees to earn an outright division


Davies threw the game’s first five inning before being relieved by

Ben Albert.

Albert came on to earn three strikeouts.

Matt Deaner’s ground rule double over the outfield fence led to

the Yankees’ first two runs. His hit, which came in the first inning,

followed singles by Davies and Deondre Moss.

The Yankees pushed across four more runs in the second inning, two

runs coming in when Garrett Coulson and Albert singled and scored on

Jeff Perez’s double to left field.

Moss singled in the frame and another run scored on a passed ball.

Moss had an RBI double in the fifth inning as the Yankees scored

four more runs behind hits by Davies, Michael Nakamura, Kory Kovac

and Kyle Breedlove.

The Yankees took their 17-4 record into the 2003 District 62

Tournament of Champions, which got underway this week.
