
Church expansion subject to study

June Casagrande

In a quiet start to an issue likely to crescendo, the City Council on

Tuesday ordered an environmental study on extensive renovations

proposed for St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.

Councilman Don Webb, whose district includes the church at 600 St.

Andrews Road, said the environmental study will help neighbors and

city leaders make an educated decision on the project and its

potential effects.

“The community needs to work together. We need to take care of the

needs of people and the church,” Webb said Tuesday afternoon. “So I’m

hoping that this environmental process will allow citizens to have

input in the process and if modifications need to be made, we can

make them and, if not, we can move forward.”

The church is requesting a permit and a general plan amendment to

add about 35,000 square feet of new buildings, including a new indoor

youth and family center and an underground parking facility.

Church representatives describe the changes as a boon to the

community for several reasons. Athletic activities that now take

place in the parking lot will move indoors. Musical performances that

now take place in the fellowship hall will move to the “sound

attenuated gymnasium.” And the new parking facility will raise the

church’s parking capacity from 450 spaces to 600. The church also

plans to refurbish its sanctuary.

The church has launched a public information campaign to educate

neighbors about the changes. Two community meetings on Monday drew a

handful of residents concerned about the project. The church has also

begun publishing a newsletter to inform neighbors about the plans.

Some residents in Cliff Haven and Newport Heights are worried that

the renovations could increase traffic and noise.

The council selected Keeton Kreitzer Consulting of Tustin to

produce an environmental report to tackle these and other subjects.

The church will cover the up to $92,000 cost for Keeton Kreitzer’s

work. Once the company has completed the report, the public will have

a chance to review it and, ultimately, weigh in on the church’s

request at Planning Commission meetings.

* JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She

may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at

[email protected].
