
Painting stolen during party A resident showcasing...

Painting stolen during party

A resident showcasing her newest paintings at a private party with

more than 100 guests had her prime painting, valued at $6,000, stolen

at about 10 p.m.

The victim, Pat Dallas, said only about 12 guests remained when

she noticed the painting missing, and that it was in plain sight from

her seat when it disappeared.

“I swear, between bites, the painting disappeared off the wall

right before my eyes,” Dallas said.

She said that whoever took the painting evidently hurried down the

stairs and drove off in a waiting truck or van.

Sgt. Jason Kravetz said he’s assigned an investigator to the case.

“I want to appeal to whomever stole my painting, which is

irreplaceable to me,” Dallas said. “Please bring it back and no

charges will be pressed. All I want is my painting back. It has

sentimental reasons that are very personal.”

-- Mike Swanson
