
Junior surfing team to travel to New Zealand

The Kalos Kagathos Foundation’s California student surfing team has

been invited to participate in a New Zealand / United States junior

surfing cultural exchange.

Foundation Chairman Bruce S. Hopping selected the California 2002

Seaview League Champion Laguna Beach High School team.

Participating youths are selling raffle tickets, $20 for 100, to

pay for airfare and expenses for the trip to Raglan, New Zealand,

April 18 to 26.

The New Zealand junior team is also planning to come to Laguna


Each team will participate in national competition, water safety

awareness courses and instruction programs.

Mark Watkins has been selected as the team’s technical, tactical

and strategic skills coach; Tom Burdick will be team manager; and

Laura Burdick will be team chaperon and house mother.
