
Two robbed at furniture store Two employees...

Two robbed at furniture store

Two employees at a local furniture finishing store on Slater

Avenue were robbed while working Saturday.

The robbery occurred at 3:40 p.m. when a Latino man allegedly

entered through a back entrance armed, demanded personal property and

cash from each of the employees and fled with an undetermined amount

of cash. The victims, Jose Garcia, 21, and Hector Lemasson, 39,

cooperated with the man and were not harmed, said Huntington Beach

Police Sgt. Mike Kelly.

The suspect has been described as 25 to 30 years old, 5-foot-6 to

5-foot-8, about 160 to 180 pounds. He was wearing a blue baseball

cap, a dark sweater and light brown pants.

Police officers on duty detained two individuals after the arrest,

but they were not identified as suspects, Kelly said. The case is

still under investigation.
