
No bail for man accused of threats...

No bail for man accused of threats

An Orange County Superior Court judge denied bail on Friday for a

23-year-old Costa Mesa man accused of threatening to kill Orange

County Sheriff Mike Carona.

Sheriff’s deputies arrested Townsend in his Costa Mesa home on

Feb. 4 on suspicion of telling two of his friends that he was going

to kill Carona and of threatening to kill a friend’s mother.

Townsend was 18 years old when a Chevy Blazer he and nine other

teens were in overturned on Irvine Avenue. Townsend and 17-year-old

Amanda Arthur suffered brain injuries and were in critical condition

after the accident, which killed their friend Donny Bridgman, 18.

Townsend’s family maintains that he has a mental illness and needs

care and treatment. He is being held in Orange County jail.
