
Keeping a lookout

Deepa Bharath

Whale watching season is drawing to a close.

Local businesses that charter whale watching tours off the coast

of Newport Beach say it’s been one of the best years for sightings --

so good that Davey’s Locker at the Balboa Fun Zone is looking forward

to sending its big charter boat to Catalina on March 9 for a whole

day of whale watching.

The trip is part of an annual fund-raiser for the Orange County

Chapter of the American Cetacean Society, which is based in Irvine,

but runs most of its marine tours through Davey’s Locker, Assistant

Manager Dave Myers said.

The American Cetacean Society is a whale conservation group that

aims to protects cetaceans by educating the public about whales,

dolphins and porpoises and the problems these creatures face in their

increasingly threatened habitats. Founded in 1967, the nonprofit

volunteer membership organization has regional chapters in the United

States and members in 22 countries.

This season didn’t bring giant blue whales washing ashore like

last year, but the sightings were “phenomenal,” Myers said.

“We started the season with killer whales,” he said. “We saw gray

whales, finbacks, pretty much a whole variety of whales.”

This season was far better than last year in terms of sightings,

Myers said.

“We never know why one year is better than the other,” he said.

“Some say currents, others say other things. But there is no factual

evidence for any of those theories. I guess it’s just luck.”

The all-day whale watching trip begins at 9 a.m. from Davey’s

Locker in the Balboa Pavilion at 400 Main St. Reservations will be

held only until 8:30 a.m. The boat, which accommodates 350 to 400

passengers, will return at 6 p.m.

There is a snack bar on board that serves snacks and drinks only.

Organizers suggest passengers bring their own lunch box. The trip is

$50 for adults and $30 for children. For more information, call

Davey’s Locker at (949) 675-9881.
