
Foundation open meeting considered

I was at the City Council meeting and I am very much pro to

foundations and I think it is a travesty that Mayor Karen Robinson is

doing this. I would like the Daily Pilot to look into the protocol on

whether she can call a rehearing. I thought that the bylaws or

whatever their meeting laws are that only someone who was at the

original hearing on this can call for a recall.

So just check into that cause it is so important. Hope Costa Mesa

gets their foundation like it should in terms of equipment for high



Costa Mesa

I agree with Mayor Karen Robinson that we need to make sure that

we are in legal compliance with spending this money and we also need

to have an accountability of where exactly it is going so there is

not duplicity with Measure A or any other funding or grant that we


Also we need to have this done in a fast fashion so people are not

waiting forever and the money gets misallocated. We need to act on

it, we need to do it properly and we need to act on it now for our



Costa Mesa
