
Frances Wilson Repine Frances Wilson Repine...

Frances Wilson Repine

Frances Wilson Repine of Laguna Beach died Dec. 22 of natural

causes. She was 104.

She was born on April 14, 1898, in Allentown, Penn. Her father,

Edgar Rice Wilson, was general secretary of the YMCA.

Attending nursing school in 1916 in London, Ontario, Canada, she

studied under Dr. Frederick G. Banting, who is credited with

isolating and preparing insulin for the first use in diabetic

patients. Mrs. Repine’s work as a nurse included jobs in Michigan and

Ohio. While in Ohio, she met her husband, Milton, and raised her two


After her husband’s death in 1961, Mrs. Repine spent many years

traveling the world with her daughter and son-in-law. She arrived in

Laguna Beach in October 1993 at the age of 95, a week before the


Mrs. Repine is survived by her son Robert of Portland, Ore; four

grandchildren; and three great grandchildren.
