
Newport resident earns environmental award The...

Newport resident earns environmental award

The Orange County chapter of the American Red Cross honored local

environmentalist Stephanie Barger at a Monday ceremony in Irvine.

Barger, who founded Costa Mesa-based Earth Resource Foundation,

won one of eight Clara Barton Spectrum Awards for Outstanding Women

in Orange County.

The 40-year-old Newport Beach resident won in the category of

“preservation,” which honors someone who has stood out in “promoting

awareness or action toward environmental, cultural or historical

preservation” in the county.

Barger was nominated for the award by Volunteer Center of Orange

County, Ricoh Electronics Inc. and Trails $ All.

Barger was credited with bringing “hundreds of underprivileged

children to the beach” and helping create a native plant garden at a

Santa Ana elementary school.

Children’s chorus will perform at Center

The Pacific Chorale Children’s Chorus will perform its traditional

holiday concert at the Orange County Performing Arts Center on Dec.


The group, formed in 1991, provides young singers with valuable

voice training and performance experience. Boys and girls choruses

rehearse weekly under the direction of experienced music


The Pacific Boys Chorus will also hold auditions in December for

its spring season for boys with “unchanged” voices. Organizers are

looking for boys between the ages of 8 and 12 to join the group’s

Spring 2003 season, which includes a performance at the Center. No

prior experience is required, officials said.

For more information, call (714) 662-2345.
