
Harman wins easy victory

Danette Goulet

Surf City Assemblyman Tom Harman won a second term Tuesday in a

landslide victory against Democratic challenger Bill Orton of Seal


“I am honored that the people of the 67th Assembly District chose

to elect me by wide margin,” Harman said of his 68.5 % victory. “It

validates that I have been doing a good job in my first term.”

The former Huntington Beach mayor and longtime activist in the

city said he plans to keep up the fight on issues that affect the

city and county.

“I hope to continue to try to concentrate on clean water and clean

beaches types of legislation, and continue to address that problem as

that continues to be an ongoing problem in Orange County,” he said.

While Harman did little to campaign, leaving his track record to

speak for itself, Orton led a grass-roots e-mail-based campaign that

included personal visits to voters bearing fresh baked rolls and


With the wide margin, Orton conceded victory before all the

precincts were in, wishing Harman luck.

“I’m laughing, I’m smiling, I’m fine,” Orton said of his defeat

Wednesday morning. “Maybe if I had more Elvises [perform] and [handed

out more] danish pastries, but I don’t think 100 Elvises would make a

difference ....Republicans got out to vote and voted in large


Orton said he will now spend time with his the family he has

missed while campaigning the last 52 weeks and is not sure if he will

seek future office.
