
Galaxy collects, 3-2

The Costa Mesa AYSO Region 120 Boys-under 12 Plus Team (Galaxy)

raised its record to 7-1-1 with a 3-2 win over Fountain Valley


The Galaxy are in third place in a pool of 17 teams and got goals

from Danny O’Neil, Anthony Arellano and Cesar Amador with assists

from Benji Briseno, Francisco Moreno, Lalo Aguilar, Wes Barloom and

Troy McClanahan.

Andrew Norimatsu, Nick Oliver, Scott Styles and Anthony Tellez all

played solid defense in front of goalkeepers Ryan Knapp and Tony


In Boys under-14 action:

* Costa Mesa’s Quicksilver ended the season with a, 8-0-1 record

with a win Saturday.

Michael Mejia scored a hat trick with Luu Nguyen and Ly Nguyen

each providing assists to Mejia. Ly Nguyen also had an assist to

Rodrigo Botazzi for a second goal unassisted.

Osbaldo Soto began the day’s scoring with a goal off the cross bar

after receiving a pass from Benny Edles and Bradley Reitler, Jorge

Oporto and Zack Fisk also contributed on offense.

Quicksilver showed relentless defense with Mario Alvarado, Daniel

Ordaz, Rick Olguin, Chris Fuentes, Mark Seckel and Raymond Villalba.

Keepers Seckel, Fuentes and Oporto recorded a shutout.

In Boys under-8 play:

* The Black Dragons battled the Highlanders, only allowing one

goal, but were held scoreless.

The Dragons were led by Bill Crosson, Christian Darrow and Garrett

Deutsch and Garrett Kahre, Connor Pearce and Austin Uribe helped out

on defense.

* The Fireballs and Green Geckos tied, 1-1, Saturday.

Brandon Dehashtian scored the first goal of the game and Alex

DeSoto, Danny Hernandez, Ian Landt and Cole Mensinger assisted on

offense and solid defense was played by Casey Dunning, Jack Dunning,

A.J. Fischer and Jordan Larson.

* The Blaze scored an 8-0 victory to stay undefeated.

Eight of nine players have scored this season with five of those

scoring in the game.

Jessie Paz put Sammy Borkton’s pass into the net in the first

quarter and he added his second goal shortly thereafter.

Eric Pfautz, who played goalkeeper in the first half, came out to

play forward in the second half and tallied three goals with passes

from Victor Perez and Sam Miller.

Christian Rivera made a 20-yard left-footed shot for a goal and

Borkton scored on a one-man drive into the net and Brandon Contreras

played a Pfautz pass to score one goal.

Austin Lack and Victor Perez had close shots without scoring.
