
A time for praying and voting

“Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the

people, who have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible,

Divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I

mean the characters and conduct of their rulers.”


Sometimes it is challenging to find the time to vote. I can’t seem

to cross items off my list of things to do as quickly as I can add

them. I’m behind in my paper work and just about everything else. But

I’m learning that I can make the time and take the time for the

things that truly count, when I am motivated.

My daughter Kelly called early one morning to see if I could go on

a run on the beach with her. Did I have the time? Yes and no.

Fortunately, I have flexibility in my schedule, so I changed plans

and met her in the early morning crispness and beauty of the slowly

waking day. I was refueled and refreshed by our time together,

enjoying the wonder of God’s glorious creation.

We marveled at God’s creativity so beautifully manifested in the

colors and sounds of the sea and the sky and the different birds that

flew by us. We jogged, walked and tried not to get our shoes wet in

the foam of crashing waves. We also talked about people we were

praying for, as well as praying for the upcoming elections.

The older I become, the more I am humbled and honored by the

privilege, freedom and responsibility of voting. I can’t comprehend

the sacrifices made for our freedom by people in generations past and

by those who are prepared to defend it today, tomorrow and all the

tomorrows to come.

To honor the past, as well as to help ensure a godly future for

generations to come, praying for wisdom in my choices and making sure

to cast my ballot are the very least that I can do. More than ever

before, I feel the need to pray for men and women who will look to

God for his guidance on the decisions they make. Character counts,

and I am praying for people with character.

Kelly and I left our shoe prints in the sand, left the beach and

started our days. I brought some of the sand home with me, too, but

more lasting than that was the sense of urgency to pray that God

would guide us all and would be honored in the way we vote.

As I walked to my front door, I was greeted by more political

fliers. Later, I gathered some that were fluttering down the street

in the gentle breeze. I’ve been overwhelmed with ads, e-mails,

fliers, phone messages and information about propositions, positions

and peoples’ character. It seems like campaign signage has popped up

almost as quickly and as plentifully as harvest decorations.

The elections and the decorations will come and go before we know

it. But how we pray and how we vote will have lasting effects, some

of which we may not understand for years to come. I trust that every

vote will be counted, and I know that every vote counts.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at

[email protected] or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505,

Newport Beach, CA 92658.
