
‘Lagunatics’ a hit again


A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum: “Lagunatics.”

The 10th annual “Roast of the Coast” at the Forum Theatre on the

Festival of Arts Grounds, proved once again that Laguna folks take

their causes seriously, but not themselves.

Every town should have such a laugh-in. However, every town does

not have a Bree Burgess Rosen to give it life.

Burgess Rosen is the founder of “Lagunatics” and No Square

Theatre, the city’s resident theatrical company. Her fingerprints are

everywhere on the show: from acting, to costume design to directing,

to writing the lyrics for all but three of the musical numbers, to

tunes by such notables as Irving Berlin, Johnnie Mercer, Frank Lloyd

Weber and Steven Sondheim.

Bree’s wonderful way with words is only matched by her wonderful

way with people.

Police Chief James Spreine, a stand-out in the ensemble, always

had a great singing voice, but this year his body language, gestures,

facial expressions and ad-libs were as polished as his badge. He

brought down the house in “You Got a Ticket Again.”

Spreine has said more than once that Burgess Rosen is the only

person who could get him on a stage -- and his wife carries a gun.

Orange County Sheriff’s Department’s Lt. Linda Spreine, who serves

as chief in Laguna Niguel, was in the audience Sunday night.

“I hope he gets a rave review,” she said.

Well, yeah. Ditto the whole show.

The cast for the run of five performances, Oct. 16-20, also

featured Judy Akin, Rachel Alcone, Gregg Barnette, Rick Breco, Margo

Burgess, Philip Burkhardt, Yvonne Browning, Rufino Cabang, Jon

Cobain, Jim Hall, Deborah Harris, Adam Hemming, Councilwoman Toni

Iseman, Kira Josephson, Steve Josephson, Arts Commissioner Pat

Kollenda, Linda Martin, Lisa Morrice, Samantha Morrice, Gretchen

Murray, Jay Proskovec, Carol Robinson, Sugar Shymanski, Joshua

Vecchione, Pat Warren, Meredith Woodson, Rich Wordes, the voice of

Bill Harris, Thurl Ravensroft as the Voice of the Pageant, Pageant

Director Diane Challis Davy and Festival of the Arts Marketing and

Public Relations Director Sharbie Higuchi, many of whom double as No

Square Theatre board members and “Lagunatics” stage crew, event

volunteers or major contributors.

“Lagunatics Greatest Twits” reprised musical numbers from 1992 to


“Aliso Pier,” from the 1998 show, and “The Toll Road,” from the

1999 show, especially tickled the audience.

Act Two opened with the “First Song, First Lagunatics.”

“Of course in a town that beautifies its alleys and hires goats by

the herd, there have been so many choices for material, that 10 years

later, I found the process of choosing the “greatest hits”

overwhelming,” said Burgess Rosen. “After great pains, I narrowed it

down to 24, only to have Adam and Jay whittle it down to 29. Thanks


Burgess Rosen wrote “Greatest Twits” with Tim Dey, Paul Leighton

and Michael O’Malley, the latter two on the board of No Square

Theatre. O’Malley also appeared in the cast

“Just being in a room with her is a joy,” said O’Malley, who wrote

the 2000 and 2001 shows with Burgess Rosen.

Burgess Rosen founded No Square Theatre to provide “performance,

theatrical experience and education to local amateur performers of

all ages and to nurture a love of theater and the performing art

within our community.”

Also on the board: Arts Commissioner Les Thomas, Holland Carney,

Kara Jacobs, acting artistic director Roxanna Ward, managing director

Julie Josephson, Phoebe T. Ward, Jr., Tim Hawkins and others who also

performed in “Lagunatics.”

The Advisory Board of Directors includes financial supporter Dave

Schaar, City Councilman Steven Dicterow, soon-to-be former City

Councilman Paul Freeman, David B. Edwards, Susan Egan, “Splashes”

Director Ken Jillson, actress Teri Ralston, Lisa Richard, Karen

Rymar, Patricia Powers, Ed Gazich and Saif Eddin, plus others in the

cast, crew or volunteers.

The crew included stage manager Marty Lepere, sound designer and

technical director Jon Tschirgi, box office manager Louise Davy,

master electrician C.W. Keller, recording session engineer Matt

Borden, spot operator Joe Cache and wardrobe mistresses Barbara

McCary and Debra Diane.

David B. Edwards mastered the show trax. Graphic artist Kelly

Fitzgeral produced the program. Donna Phillips arranged the auctions.

New Moon Creations videotaped the show.

“I just love what No Square Theatre brings to our community,” said

board member Sande St. John, who helped coordinate the volunteers for

the 2002 show.

Anne White, John Hoover and Sandy Thornton were also among the

volunteers this year. Vivian Le Page volunteered her services to the

production for the second year, dispensing the wine provided by Peter

and Deb Jones.

“She pours the best cab there is,” said Bree’s husband, Leon


“Laguntics” has raised almost $300,000 for local charities and


“Not a huge amount of money, but welcomed by Laguna Shanti, Ballet

Pacifica, the Laguna Beach Community Clinic, the Artists Theatre (on

the Laguna Beach High School campus), Laguna Playhouse and, since

1997, No Square Theatre,” Burgess Rosen said.

Present in the audience was Martha Lydick who is a No Square

Theatre “Big Hitter,” along with the Hancocks, Larry Friend, Stella

and Lloyd Charton, Barbara Williamson, Julia and Kenny Johnson,

Shirley and Martin Eramo, Deborah Harris, Julie Cabang Loisides,

Deborah Harris, Sharon Dugan, Hope Alcone, Carolyn Skendarian,

Jeanette Lambert, Congregational Church Pastor Terri Lennon, Kathy

Coakley-Coast Therapy, Roxanna, Audry Manning, Jerry Bieser and

Melina Friedman, among others; and the city of Laguna Beach , IM

CHAMADE Foundation, Festival of Arts, and the Laguna Board of

Realtors, which has donated nearly $9,000 to No Square Theatre

If you weren’t there, it’s your loss.

* OUR LAGUNA is a regular feature of the Laguna Beach Coastline

Pilot. Contributions are welcomed. Write to Barbara Diamond, P.O. Box

248, Laguna Beach, 92652, hand-deliver to 384 Forest Ave., Suite 22;

call 494-4321 or fax 494-8979.
