
* PUBLIC SAFETY: Scribner wants officials...

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Scribner wants officials to place a top priority on public safety

in areas that they can control, Scribner said. He wants police to

focus on violent crime, property and personal crimes and corporate

fraud, instead of wasting time on “pot smokers.” Something is wrong

with a system that punishes a marijuana offender more harshly than a

murderer, Scribner said. Officials need to reprioritize to make

California safer, he said. “Rapists and murderers belong in jail,”

Scribner said. “Pot smokers do not.”


Each child is different, and educators should develop a system

that allows for individuality and a variety of learning methods.

Educators cannot continue to paint education with a broad brush by

requiring the same thing of every one of the state’s distinct

students, said Scribner, who is a teacher himself. He promotes

community-controlled schooling, where parents, teachers and even

students have the direct say in their educational process. The less

centralized the power and the farther away from Washington, D.C. and

Sacramento, the better, Scribner said. In areas where parent

involvement is lacking, the government can step in with its more

general notions, but there is no need to stifle good ideas simply to

promote conformity. Politicians need to relinquish their unrelenting

control over educators and allow them creativity and leniency in

teaching methods, he said.


Scribner wants to end all corporate welfare and subsidies to

businesses. An atmosphere in which one industry is favored over

another limits the true choices that people have and stifles

competition. Government needs to free up its tax dollars for crucial

resources and not waste money on promoting the industry or

corporation of the hour.

“As a Libertarian, I am all for making money, but if you can’t

make money without favors from politicians, you should find a new

line of business,” he said.
